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Applications The audio consequence driver is neither construct for itself, nor for he measure in the DIN (infinite) baffle, but for the use in real loudspeakers both DIY as well OEM. This includes easy-to-use frequency responses, a crossover working with a fminimum of passive components, workableThiele-Small parameters and a possible optimal integration into the baffle, also possible with DIY funds. Even if the driver can operate the entire frequency range, there are different housings for certain applications. The most importants are: (Followed by simulations and measurements)
To reproduce the entire frequency range, we recommend a reflex cabinet 20-25 liters net volume with a tuning frequency of 35 Hz In order to reproduce even 20 Hz still close to the average level, a lower tuning is possible. But the maximum level will suffer, because even a very long-throw (+ / - 6.0 mm) designed woofer can move only a limited amount of air.
To fill larger rooms and/or to keep the surroundings of the tweeter still more quiet, we recommend the support of a potent woofer. In this case take a closed housing about 8-10 l net, which makes a cut-off frequency about 70 Hz (-3dB) possible. The coupling of the woofer can be from 70 Hz of course crossover frequencies up to 300 Hz can be realized, depending on the used woofer.
Use in Sub-/Sat-Systems and surrounding solutions: In these cases both described variants are possible, depending on the desired interpretation of the whole system. If the space required should be kept low for several satellites, it is recommended to take a closed system with 8-10 liters net.
- It is always a good idea to round the edges of the baffle as far as possible. It may be 20-30 mm, even more. - If the driver in the baffle is positioned in an way, that the various edges of the baffle have different distances to the driver, he will distribute inevitable edge effects on a wider frequency range. Well, then the faults are more numerous, but each one is much less pronounced. Mostly this is better for the result. - The internal cabling should be of sufficient size, nevertheless it must not be overdone. 2.5 - 4 mm ² are sufficient in every case. - A massive design of the walls never hurts - in the ideal case supported by reinforcements in the speaker housing. - Even forms, which are different from the often seen " shoe boxes" can be interesting - a sphere for examplel. Please note, that a crossover can be perfect only for one housing form.
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